Better Results: Less Time and Money
improvement is attainable
...the thrill of learning creates
...the will to work hard, which leads to
...the skill desired in the first place

We have created proven resources. When we partner with you, you will learn processes that will cause you to exlaim, "Why wasn't school like this when I was a kid!" Better outcomes and happier students are in your future.
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vast experience
The team at Crazy Simple Education has decades of combined experience. Our Founder and CEO, Dr. Lyle Lee Jenkins is an author, speaker, and recognized authority in improving educational outcomes. Under his leadership, we have created and launched an educational resource company serving educators globally. Any educator, regardless of setting or subject, can maintain intrinsic motivation in children.
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"Lee's leadership and expertise have been instrumental in providing a strong foundation for district-wide vision-centered academic vertical alignment. He has provided Happy Valley staff with tools to design classroom practices that increase student learning and enthusiasm toward education"
Shelly Craig
Superintendent, Happy Valley School District, California
"Lee's process has the same level of engagement as many of the games that kids play. We know that if the loss of enthusiasm is ever reversed it will be because kids are engaged with impactful learning every year, Pre-K to 12."
Bill Watkins
Director, Marcola School District, Oregon
"One of the best aspects of LtoJ is that it is a process and not a pre-packaged program. This means teachers in PLC's can adjust the questions and the key concepts list."
Angela Willnerd
Grade 1 Teacher, Linden Elementary School, Nebraska